Monday, February 9, 2015

A to Z Vet Supply - The One Stop Shop For Canine Supplies!

We have everything that a dog owner might need, from toys and beds to vaccinations and antibiotics!

Dog owners nationwide purchase our pet supplies through the internet.  The benefits are nearly endless when you consider the perks of having a vast array of veterinary products and pet accessories recommended by veterinary professionals at your fingertips.

NeoPar™ and Other Vaccinations

We feature the nationally-recognized standard vaccine for the Parvo virus, an extremely contagious disease that threatens dogs of all ages and sizes. The Parvo Virus can be deadly; which is why dog owners of all levels regularly purchase our NeoPar™ Vaccinations online for their furry companions.   

Aside from NeoPar™, customers can buy pet vaccinesonline for giardia, rabies, canine distemper disorder, Canine Adenovirus and more.  Vaccinations are always packaged and shipped with careful attention to temperature maintenance and damage prevention. 

For the protection of you and your animals, we ask that you provide a veterinary prescription for our vaccinations, yearly boosters and antibiotics.  

Leashes and Collars

We have a variety of leashes and collars meeting the special needs of every pet owner.  We have muzzles, outside containment, retractable leashes and training collars for dogs still learning the ropes.

We also feature collars made from a variety of materials and styles.  We have special collars and leashes from John Deere and Red Dingo.   For owners that want their animals to have a fancier touch to their style, we have high-quality leather collars and lighted nylon collars, as well as jeweled collars and leashes. 

For our customers looking for a greener solution, we have Crypton Eco-Friendly collars and leashes.

Gates, Barriers and Containment

For owners and breeders looking to segment their pets living areas and create safer environments for their dogs to travel in, we have the latest and greatest in cages, gates and barriers. 

We also have a number of cages built for security, safety and comfort.  Regardless of what you desire, we have the right cages, boxes, fences, gates and more.

Dental, Ear and Eye Care

To keep your dog’s teeth healthy, we have a wide selection of toothbrushes and toothpastes.  We have dual-ended and mini varieties in a broad selection of colors.  We also have a broad selection of oral cleansing sprays and gels.

We also help keep dog’s ears and hearing healthy with our ear care products and cleaners.  We have many different ear flushing and cleansing solutions depending on your specific needs.  Plus, we also have devices specially made to clean canine ears.   If your dog is at risk of or suffers from ear mites, we offer Eradimite Ear Mite Treatment.

Eye car is another one of our specialties.  We have many different eye wash solutions for many different needs.  Artificial tear solutions can be used for dogs with sensitive eyes.  There are also many different eye cleaning wipes and tear stain removers.  For infections affecting the eye area, we have Terramycin Ophthalmic ointment and many eye care solutions from Vetericyn.

Diet, Odor Control and More!

It doesn’t stop there! We have plenty of products to serve dog owners nationwide.  We have products for odor control including sprays, air sanitizers, stain and odor removal products, disinfectants and other sanitary supplies.

For people looking to safely dispose of their dog’s waste we have high-quality Crypton Pet Cleaners as well as Waste Management devices from Four Paws including their Spring Action Scooper for Grass and their Waste Manager Dog Waste Disposal System.

We also have dietary supplements and specialty food for concerned owners that pay careful attention to their dog’s nutrition.  Check out our selections of dietary and vitamin supplements today.  We work with pets that are put on strict veterinarian diets and we feature dog-proofed food storage containers.

There’s More!

It doesn’t stop there.  We have everything you might need for:

-          Pet Pregnancy
-          Exercise Equipment
-          Training Assistance and Equipment
-          ID Tags and Microchip ID Installation
-          Flea Control
-          Deworming
-          Toys & Treats

Check our selection out today.  If you have a canine companion, you can certainly benefit from our wide selection of thousands of dog-friendly products.

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